Day 39: Letting Go of 38



I came to LA as a young bride of 23. It took me so long to love LA, to appreciate the subtleties of the seasons, olive green, bright light, ocean, desert, dry. I grew to love the LA look, the casual chic, the brilliant ads, the clear view from Mulholland on the day after rain, the quail in Franklin Canyon, the willingness to explore the new and different, the weird and wonderful, the way LA can make you feel like you're somebody, just because you live here. Oh, Los Angeles! What was done or undone here! What dreams, literal and longed for! The streets I know so well, the relationships that have shaped my essence. My soul met LA's soul and we flew, grew, shattered and danced over 38 years of marriage, study, writing, dance, friends, children, farmer's markets, art, study, camping, family, friends, parents, driving, driving, driving, classes, holidays, baking, cooking, cleaning, feminine consciousness study, dream study, bodysoul workshops, dreamwork, travel, children, mothering, holidays, baking, cooking, cleaning, Fitzmaurice Voice, Continuum, Embodied Imagination, I Ching, Tarotpy, children, travel, driving, driving, driving, Shabbat, holidays, creative collaboration, performance, plays, mothering, friendship, baking, cooking, cleaning, friendship, travel, children, desert, driving, writing, children, holidays, Shabbos, baking, cooking, cleaning, friendship, dreamwork, marriage shattering, separation, lawyers, friends, friends, friends, friends, roaming, children, grandchildren, divorce , movement, dreams, dreams, dreams. leaving with 38 years distilled of writing, artwork, books, dishes. Philadelphia will be my new home. New spirituality, new sexuality, re/newed-life. My new partner, my oldest BFF. Thank you to every person and being, visible and invisible who made LA home. I love you LA. I can't stay, but I love you.