Show me the Ride?

What's next?  With the family trip over,  I turn to the question before me:  what's next?  For years, I've skirted around a desire to live on wheels.  I've been reading blogs and watching vlogs about RV's and RV life. At this point, I'm interested in camping in comfort (see the hilarious video my friend Russel sent me on FB) while I work on The Last Dream (what book??  it's been sooooooo long!).  There are so many ingenious designs out there.  Everything from super high end sport vehicles and vans, to DIY re-vamps of buses and vans, to truck campers, trailers of all sizes and shapes. Tons of choices.  I've learned a lot online and reading books, but there's no substitute for on the ground research.  So, I'll spend a few days visiting Quartzite, AZ this coming week, one of the largest annual gathering of RV's in North America.  Quartzite, a small town with a population of around 4500 is visited by over a million RV visitors during January.   RV-ers are a friendly community and I hope to be able to look and learn about tons of styles and choices.  There's a show the last week, Jan 21-28, too, where new RV's will be sold.  Here's the thing, though --  I don't like making decisions.  I'm getting on the road because I need to make decisions differently.  Everyone has stuff they have to make decisions about.  Big, little.  Decisions have been my nemesis.  Some people are comfortable with making choices and then getting going.  Not me.  Blame it on being a Libra.  Blame it on an ancestral line where the wrong decisions got you killed.  Blame it on a culture with too much information.  Blame it on whatever you like....if you don't make decisions, they're made for you.  No vote!  Here's what I'd like to do differently this time.  Do the research.  Take my time. Consult my Sources.  Make the decision when I'm ready.  No angst.  That really would be different.