Day 4: Eternity in Love: The Time Pivot


Day 4: Eternity in Love: The Time Pivot

I woke early this morning with the words "Dream as Prayer". A title from dream for my June dream classes! First gift of the day! The second gift was my partner’s suggestion to think about the class as a "first fruits offering". Background: the ritual of Counting the Omer comes from waving an "omer", a specific weight of barley, over the field in blessing for the harvest. The first fruits of the harvest are then brought to The Temple on Shavuot, the 50th day, as an offering. My first fruits offering in in Philadelphia, from the harvest of years of dream study & practice? So...the class is for God? A sea-change in perspective. Gift 3: a young man cleared the back porch of firewood; the space is usable. Presto! Gift 4: Yummy dinner on the back porch in soft evening light with the trees in splendor all around. Gift 5: a friend came over & helped me design a flyer for the class. We had so much fun talking, it didn't seem like work at all. Gift 6: sitting here, writing to you. If today is the day all eternity flows to this moment and from this moment, then it's also the day of love as the pivot for time. Counting is getting traction.